Harvest moon ds girl
Harvest moon ds girl

There’s very little information about these rival events on the Internet also so you’re probably just going to have to go to as many places as possible and hope you trigger them. Unfortunately though, no one seems to really know what all the conditions are for all these scenes. Each of these events have certain conditions that have to be met before you can view them.


To get a rival to marry a particular girl you have to watch a series of “rival heart events” with each girl and rival. It seems that rivals can marry the girls at any point from year 3 and on in this videogame. RivalsĮach one of the girls has a rival who she can marry if you don’t marry her. After you apologize her affection will increase by 30,000 points. You can get her back though by visiting her at her old home and apologizing. If you give her a ton of gifts she hates and her affection drops below 5,000 she will leave you. It’s at the Supermarket in this videogame for a lot less. Won might come by your farm and try to sell you the Blue Flower for something ridiculous like 30,000g but don’t by it from him. Give the feather to the girl and one week later you will be married at the church and you won’t be able to do any work that day. At this point you can buy a Blue Flower at the Supermarket. You also need to have bought two house upgrades. To get married in Harvest Moon: Back to Nature you need the girl’s heart level to be pink. I haven’t listed the events here because I didn’t want to include incomplete information. Random guides seem to have one or two of the first events for each girl but that’s the best information you’re going to find. There seems to be an event for each heart level with each girl but unfortunately there’s very little information about them on the Internet. The standard dating sim logic applies in this videogame, more often than not just tell the girl what she wants to hear and that will be the best choice. During these events you’ll often get the opportunity to make a choice which will either get you a pretty large amount of affection points, do nothing, or lower their affection levels. There are also several events with each girl that you can trigger in Harvest Moon: Back to Nature if you meet certain conditions. How the first gift given in a day affects a girl’s affection levels If you have an animal die in this videogame then all the girls will lose 1,000 affection. The girls will also gain +200 affection at the beginning of every day if you either gave them a gift or spoke to them on the day before. Wrapping the gift with the wrapping paper you can purchase at the supermarket wil increase the effect the gift has even more. If you give her a gift on her birthday in this game it will have a much bigger effect on her affection levels than if you give her a gift on a normal day. The first gift you give her will have a bigger effect on her affection levels but any gift you give her after that will still have a big enough effect to still make it worth it. You can repeatedly give gifts to a girl during the same day in Harvest Moon: Back to Nature. You’re really good friends now and maybe even starting to flirt a little

Harvest moon ds girl